Local Urban Plan
Any information about town planning?
You can consult the Val-de-Vesle PLU by clicking below.
Modification N°1 of the PLU
Deliberation of the Community Council of December 16, 2021 approving modification No. 1 of the Val-de-Vesle PLU.
(the modification does not concern the PLU regulations, it relates to the development of the future Bois Branscourt 3).
Do you have a development project for your home or land?
Any changes to the exterior appearance of your home require une declaration to the Town Hall.

These 3 files are the most common, there are other cerfa perhaps better suited for your project, if you have any doubts, do not hesitate to inquire with the secretariat of the Town Hall.
The files are received by the Town Hall, then returned to the Grand Reims training department.
Exposure of Val-de-Vesle to the risk of Shrinkage Swelling
Clays (RGA)
New regulations applicable since October 1, 2020
Sellers of undeveloped building land are now required to provide the buyer with a geotechnical study. The content of this study is specified by the interministerial decree of July 22, 2020.
It must be transmitted to the builder who has the obligation to take it into account in the development of projects.
In addition, the legislator defined the specific minimum construction techniques to be respected by the builder in a second interministerial decree of July 22, 2020.

You can find all the necessary information as well as the 2 interministerial decrees of July 22, 2020 on the website of the State in the Marne at the following address:
Val-de-Vesle being affected by this new regulation, here is a link to access the ministerial platform (https://www.georisques.gouv.fr/cartes-interactives#/) where you will find an interactive exposure map allowing you to identify, for each municipality, the areas exposed to the RGA phenomenon.
After clicking on the link, click on “Show additional layers” then check “Clays”.
Exposure of Val-de-Vesle to the risk of Shrinkage Swelling
Clays (RGA)
New regulations applicable since October 1, 2020
Sellers of undeveloped building land are now required to provide the buyer with a geotechnical study. The content of this study is specified by the interministerial decree of July 22, 2020.
It must be transmitted to the builder who has the obligation to take it into account in the development of projects.
In addition, the legislator defined the specific minimum construction techniques to be respected by the builder in a second interministerial decree of July 22, 2020.